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Read W. Haresign - Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition in FB2, MOBI, TXT


Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition - 1982 focuses on the compositions of animal feeds. The book first discusses the presence of molds and mycotoxins in animal feeds. Controlling mycotoxin exposure, formation and effects of mycotoxins, and microbiology of feeds are described. The text surveys the anti-nutritive factors in animal feeds. Substances depressing digestion or metabolic utilization of proteins; substances reducing the solubility or interfering with the utilization of mineral elements; and substances inactivating or increasing the requirements of vitamins are discussed. The book also highlights oilseed meals for livestock feeding; the use of databases for the composition and nutritive value of animal feeds; and energy evaluation of poultry rations. The text underscores the influence of nutrition on hatchability, including the composition and size of hatching eggs; the right amounts of proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals; feed ingredients; and feeding practices. The book also discusses the energy and protein requirements of pigs and methods used in the analysis of the energy content of ruminant feeds. The selection is a good source of data for readers interested in studying the compositions of animal feeds., Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition -- 1982 focuses on the compositions of animal feeds. The book first discusses the presence of molds and mycotoxins in animal feeds. Controlling mycotoxin exposure, formation and effects of mycotoxins, and microbiology of feeds are described. The text surveys the anti-nutritive factors in animal feeds. Substances depressing digestion or metabolic utilization of proteins; substances reducing the solubility or interfering with the utilization of mineral elements; and substances inactivating or increasing the requirements of vitamins are discussed. The book also highlights oilseed meals for livestock feeding; the use of databases for the composition and nutritive value of animal feeds; and energy evaluation of poultry rations. The text underscores the influence of nutrition on hatchability, including the composition and size of hatching eggs; the right amounts of proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals; feed ingredients; and feeding practices. The book also discusses the energy and protein requirements of pigs and methods used in the analysis of the energy content of ruminant feeds. The selection is a good source of data for readers interested in studying the compositions of animal feeds.

Ebook Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition by W. Haresign DJV, TXT, DOC

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