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Download book Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Veterans in the Metro Detroit Area by Terri Tanielian in DJV


Over the past decade, the government has expanded funding and services to meet increasing demand for improved veteran access to high-quality mental health services. This report describes findings from a study designed to gather information on mental health related needs facing veterans in the Detroit metropolitan area to identify gaps in the support landscape and inform future investments for community-level resources to fill the identified gaps.", Supporting the mental health needs of veterans is a national priority. Over the past decade, there have been several studies describing the needs of the veteran population, particularly then who served in the post 9/11 era, calling for improved access to high quality mental health services. In response, the federal government has expanded funding and services to meet increasing demand. At the same time, there has also been a proliferation of nongovernmental support to improve services for veterans in local communities. Often, in an attempt to deploy resources quickly, new programs and services are implemented without a full understanding of the specific needs of the populations. This report describes findings and recommendations from a study designed to gather information on the mental health-related needs facing veterans in the Detroit metropolitan area to identify gaps in the support landscape and inform future in the support landscape and inform future investment for community level resources to fill the identified gaps. Book jacket.

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Here poetry and geopolitics are inseparable twin sisters, conjoined to the belly of a warring empire.The undeserved historical neglect has been ably redressed in this volume, which relies to a large extent on primary research sources.Covering a wide range of authors from Joseph Conrad and Thomas Hardy at the beginning of the period to Elizabeth Bowen and Samuel Beckett at the end, this book situates modernism's extraordinary literary achievements in their contexts of historical violence, while surveying the ways in which the relationships between modernism and conflict have been understood by readers and critics over the past fifty years.Driving a Toyota Prius to fight global warming.For a century now, this succession of world figures has brought urgent messages about Canada s importance in world wars, to the United Nations, Cold War security, decolonization and modernization, advancing human rights, environmental conservation, and combating terrorism.Lynsey takes us there and we begin to understand how getting to the hard truth trumps fear.And in his new retreat on a minor moon of Saturn, the cranky genius Rustam Battacharyia is still collecting weapons from the Great War.The essays discuss the motifs she developed in this pursuit--young widows, grieving parents alongside maternal figures that serve as defenders, guardians, activists, and mourners--within the context of German visual culture from 1914 to 1945.Buying (RED) products--from Gap T-shirts to Apple--to fight AIDS.While others see his strangeness, Annabelle sees only kindness, and soon must find the courage to stand as a lone voice of justice as tensions mount.Then, take a walk on the Dark Side with Sgt.At Guilln's invitation, the translators visited him at his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where they taped the poet reading and talking about his poetry for more than five hours.