Handbook of Behavior Genetics (2009, Hardcover) by in DOC


* Handbook will cover the most current issues in behavior genetics such as schizophrenia, autism, alcoholism, smoking, and drug abuse and the role that behavioral genetics plays in these behaviors * Contributors will be drawn from animal behaviorists and psychologists who will share their latest empirical findings, while utilizing the latest molecular techniques and methodologies that students can apply to future research Handbook of Behavior Genetics Edited by Yong-Kyu Kim With the mapping of the human genome, behavior genetics attracted interest as a new lens for studying complex behavior patterns and disorders. This specialty has evolved into an emergent common ground for scientists of diverse fields, including psychology, psychiatry, neurology, biochemistry, and endocrinology as well as genetics. The Handbook of Behavior Genetics provides psychology, psychiatry, and genetics students with a solid research framework on the role of genes and other factors in a variety of intricate behaviors. Internationally-known experts begin each chapter with an overview of a subject and discuss its latest issues, advances, and controversies, and emerging areas of importance. The genetics of personality, pathology, and cognition are examined, with topics as diverse as childhood temperament, Down syndrome, exercise behavior, handedness, and speech disorders. Through these findings, contributors identify clear directions for the field in its next decade. A sampling of the Handbooks coverage: * Methods and models: biometrical, QTL, animal models. * Twin studies of mental ability. * Genetic and environmental influences on sexual orientation. * The genetics of pathological conditions, including ADHD, antisocial behavior, childhood depression, schizophrenia, and autism. * Attention and working memory. * Substance use and abuse disorders. * Cognitive aging. The Handbook of Behavior Genetics brings new clarity to the ongoing study of n, Behavior Genetics is an interdisciplinary area combining behavioral sciences and genetics. The study of behavior genetics has been increasingly important as we are getting interested in finding genes of complex behavior disorders with advance in molecular genetic techniques. Therefore, this domain has now become a vast common ground for scientists from very diverse fields including psychology, psychiatry, neurology, endocrinology, biochemistry and genetics. However, there are not many textbooks or references to which students in Behavior Genetics can access for their research and class.The purpose of this handbook is to provide an upper level of undergraduate and graduate students with research guidelines to study roles of the genes and other factors involved in a variety of complex behavior. Unlike previous Behavior Genetics textbooks, this handbook will discuss current research and topics of interest to psychologists, psychiatrists, and geneticists. Utilizing methodologies and theories commonly used in Behavior Genetics, each chapter will begin with an overview of the selected topic in behavior genetics; current issues and research of the field will be discussed; and we will direct future research of the field at the end of the chapter. So the handbook will integrate many of the basic issues of the Behavior Genetics and will enhance our understanding in many fields. Therefore, this handbook will provide future research endeavors for the next 10 years. Throughout this handbook the editor will collaborate with contributors who are internationally well known in the field. The Behavior Genetics Association members and the Behavior Genetics Editorial Advisory Board will be invited to review the manuscripts of this handbook., This handbook provides research guidelines to study roles of the genes and other factors involved in a variety of complex behaviors. Utilizing methodologies and theories commonly used in behavior genetics, each chapter features an overview of the selected topic, current issues, as well as current and future research.

Read ebook Handbook of Behavior Genetics (2009, Hardcover) DJV, DOC, EPUB

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