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Read Sleep and Affect : Assessment, Theory, and Clinical Implications (2015, Hardcover) in FB2


"Sleep and Affect: Assessment, Theory, and Clinical Implications" synthesizes affective neuroscience research as it relates to sleep psychology and medicine. Evidence is provided that normal sleep plays an emotional regulatory role in healthy humans. The book investigates interactions of sleep with both negative and positive emotions, along with their clinical implications. Sleep research is discussed from a neurobiological, cognitive, and behavioral approach. Sleep and emotions are explored across the spectrum of mental health from normal mood and sleep to the pathological extremes. The book, additionally, offers researchers a guide to methods and research design for studying sleep and affect. This book will be of use to sleep researchers, affective neuroscientists, and clinical psychologists in order to better understand the impact of emotion on sleep as well as the effect of sleep on physical and mental well-being. Contains neurobiological, cognitive, and behavioral approachesExplains methods for examining sleep and affectSummarizes research on sleep and specific affect statesTranslates research for clinical use in treating disorders", Sleep and Affect: Assessment, Theory, and Clinical Implications reviews what we know about how and when fleeting or long-standing, mild or extreme, well-defined or mixed and complex emotional states affect our sleep, and how the quality and duration of our sleep then impacts our emotional state. The book reviews research relative to eight specific affective states. Additional chapters cover methodologies used in sleep and affect research and research findings specifically with children and adolescents, and chapters on sleep and affect research relate findings back to clinical use. Contains neurobiological, cognitive, and behavioral approaches Explains methods for examining sleep and affect Summarizes research on sleep and specific affect states Translates research for clinical use in treating disorders

Book Sleep and Affect : Assessment, Theory, and Clinical Implications (2015, Hardcover) in PDF, DJV, EPUB

Each chapter also features the detailed description of an experiment that can be used as classroom demonstration.Examples are drawn from a wide range of settings, including ethnographies of scientific institutions, television and social media, and locally-based gift-giving networks.The internet has become embedded into our daily lives, no longer an esoteric phenomenon, but instead an unremarkable way of carrying out our interactions with one another.Part I is devoted to basic theoretical and technical approaches in studying brain organization of cognitive processes.The studies in this book investigate prominent themes in multilingual language control for both comprehension and production and probe the notion of a cognitive advantage that may be a result of multilingualism.It identifies many of these processes as well as general principles of creative cognition that can be applied across a variety of different domains, with examples in artificial intelligence, engineering design, product development, architecture, education, and the visual arts.