MOJO - The Mobile Journalism Handbook : How to Make Broadcast Videos with an iPhone or iPad download book EPUB, DOC


MOJO: The Mobile Journalism Handbookis the first book devoted specifically to training citizens, journalism students and media professionals to produce professional-quality videos with only a mobile device. As journalism becomes increasingly competitive, students and emerging professionals need a broader skillset to make themselves more employable, whether as mainstream or entrepreneurial journalists. This book by Dr. Ivo Burum and Dr. Stephen Quinn, world experts in mobile journalism, provides comprehensive coverage of all the skills and practices needed to be a mobile journalist. Key features: Burum and Quinn underline the importance of story and storytelling, the crucial context journalists always need to keep in mind. Other books and tutorials merely offer step-by-step guidance to mobile technology and apps. The book synthesizes the knowledge and more than 70 years of combined expertise of two of the world's leading mobile journalism practitioners, offering sage advice and tips from people who have trained mojos in more than 20 countries. Companion Website: How-to videos on the companion website offer powerful ways for learners to absorb the content easily, walking them through the key mojo components of research, shooting, scripting, voice-over, editing and post-production. Ivo Burumis an award-winning writer, director and television executive producer. He has more than 30 years' experience working across genres including frontline international current affairs. A pioneer in UGS creation, Dr. Burum lectures in multimedia journalism. This is his second book about mojo. He runs Burum Media, a mojo and web TV consultancy that provides training for journalists, educators and remote communities internationally. Stephen Quinn was a journalist for 20 years before he became a university professor in 1996. Dr. Quinn taught journalism in five countries until he returned to journalism in 2011 in Hong Kong. His UK-based company MOJO Media Insights trains mobile journalists around the world. This is his twenty-first print book. He has also produced 5 iBooks. He co-writes a weekly column syndicated to seven countries.

Stephen Quinn - MOJO - The Mobile Journalism Handbook : How to Make Broadcast Videos with an iPhone or iPad read online DOC, FB2, PDF

Moreover, this book examines the different theories of constitutionalism and analyzes how constitutional democracies address similar issues in different institutional settings.Born to an Italian father and a Scottish mother, Marconi was in many ways stateless.Against the backdrop of sensational twenty-four-hour news coverage, the four friends spend the weekend playing cards, chatting, cooking, eating, and drinking numerous bottles of red wine.Televised Redemption argues that black religious media has provided black Americans with new conceptual and practical tools for how to be in the world, and changed how black people are made intelligible and recognizable as moral citizens.Join the Deitel social media communities on Facebook(r) (, Twitter(r)(@deitel), Google+ (, LinkedIn(r) ( and YouTube (, and subscribe to the Deitel(r)Buzz Online newsletter (", The professional programmer''s Deitel guide to smartphone and tablet app development using Android(tm) 6 and Android Studio Billions of apps have been downloaded from Google Play(tm)!In "v. The Large Hadron Collider," a judge distracted by the faint possibility of an adulterous affair must decide whether to throw out a nuisance lawsuit that raises the even fainter possibility that the entire earth may be destroyed.In Anatomy of a Trial,she takes readers behind the scenes to shed new light on people and proceedings and to show how the media and the trial participants changed the court-media landscape to the detriment of the public's understanding of the judicial system.Ryan Holiday, who dropped out of college at nineteen to serve as an apprentice to bestselling 'modern Machiavelli' Robert Greene and is now a media consultant for billion-dollar brands, draws on the philosophy of the Stoics to guide you in every situation, showing that what blocks our path actually opens one that is new and better.If the competition threatens you, it's time to be fearless, to display your courage.Mary Louise Roberts examines a constellation of famous new women active in journalism and the theater, including Marguerite Durand, founder of the women's newspaper La Fronde; the journalists Séverine and Gyp; and the actress Sarah Bernhardt.And historically, when women were given options beyond early heterosexual marriage, the results were massive social change-temperance, abolition, secondary education, and more.Featuring work selected by a panel of judges from more than 14,000 international publication entries, this inspirational volume sets the bar for excellence in journalistic design.Studying actual reporting cases, Willis discusses the difference between seeking accuracy and seeking truth in journalism.